Prague, May 5, 2020* – June 20, 2021, Joey Holder constructed a total environment where one is at once overwhelmed. It was a world of dark fluorescence, enshrouded in ambient bubbling sounds. There were mysterious sea creatures floating in the virtual 3D world of the videos on display. The walls were covered in an…
Category: Prague
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Futura Project “Governmental Fires”
by EC •
Prague, May 5 – June 20, 2021, My first impression of this exhibition was like walking into an empty space. There was some art, but somehow scattered, and not that self-explaining. I passed through the whole show, and somehow could not get it. After the show, back home, I read through the curatorial text.…
Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Futura Project: Cezary Poniatowski „Vaults and Swellings”
by EC •
Prague, May 5 – June 20, 2021, Poniatowski works with old carpets, artificial leather etc. He “upcycled” these materials into weird three-dimensional shapes, that somehow remind furniture or… sculpture. A sculpture that satisfies the stereotypical dustiness of post-communist Eastern Europe even 30 years after the regime changed. Old interior textiles with out of fashion…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Meetfactory: Oliver Torr “Trans Europe Postal Express”
by EC •
Prague, May 3 – July 4, 2021, Oliver Torr is a Czech electronic music artist and sound designer. The showcase in one room at Meetfactory was a presentation of his sound project done last year in the context of the SHAPE platform “for Innovative Music and Audiovisual Art from Europe” that is co-financed from…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Biennale Ve Věci umění / Matter of Art 2020 (VVUMOA)
by EC •
Prague, July 22 – November 15, 2020, I have visited the show right during the opening week. The show is spread across two main sites, the Prague City Gallery on the top floor of the Municipal Library Prague, and a couple of industrial style ex-market halls in the Holesovice (Prague) Market. The visitor guidebook…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
DOX Centre for Contemporary Art: “Russia. Timeless”
by EC •
Prague, October 4, 2019 – January 6, 2020, Most of the works presented in the show were worthy to see, and I enjoyed walking around. I was a bit reminded of my visit to Loft Project Etagi in Saint Petersburg. Most of the works were in a smaller, portable format, and looked a bit…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
City Gallery Prague: Lukas Machalicky “Eclecticism Hour”
by EC •
Prague, Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, May 29 – September 1, 2019, A conceptual-minimalist exhibition that featured 3D scans of specific parts of the interior printed out as large framed photographs installed next to the real parts of the interior scanned. Additionally, a room was almost closed off with a high white wall with a little hole…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
City Gallery Prague: Michaela Velova Maupicova “1982-2018”
by EC •
Prague, Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, May 8 – August 29, 2019, The title of the exhibition pointed towards the reasons of the show, the early departure of the artist from our world, and it in that way it set the frame. The exhibition presented a survey of the oeuvre of Michaela Maupicova.
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Academy of Fine Arts Prague “The Most Beautiful Age. 2019 Graduates Show”
by EC •
Prague, June 20 – 30, 2019, For the graduation show of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, artworks were installed in the cleaned up, spacious studio rooms. Generally speaking the installation quality was very good. It was hard to take in so much works in a short time. Overall, I felt like it…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Prague City Gallery: “Carnations and Velvet. Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia”
by EC •
Prague, Municipal Library 2F, April 30 – September 29, 2019, The exhibitions attempted to compare Czechoslovak and Portugese art on the basis of historical similarities between the “Carnation Revolution” in 1974 Portugal and “Velvet Revolution” in 1989 Czech Republic. The focus was on art spanning this period, with a little excursion into the contemporary…