East Contemporary

Category: _Writing about

Meetfactory: Oliver Torr “Trans Europe Postal Express”

Prague, May 3 – July 4, 2021, http://www.meetfactory.cz Oliver Torr is a Czech electronic music artist and sound designer. The showcase in one room at Meetfactory was a presentation of his sound project done last year in the context of the SHAPE platform “for Innovative Music and Audiovisual Art from Europe” that is co-financed from…

Asian Curator Panel Talk VI: Takahashi Mizuki on “Genuine Art Experience”

Online, De Art Center & Global Center for Technology in Humanities, Kyung Hee University, March 16, 2021, Zoom An on-line talk between a bunch of curators from the APAC region: Takahashi Mizuki, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Renan Laru-an, Penwadee Nophaket Manont (Pooh), Memuro Washida and Xia Yanguo. Yuhang Zhang was the host of the event.  Takahashi…

transmediale: Bonnie Honig “Embodying Refusal, from the Bacchae to The Fits”

Berlin, 29.01.2021, http://transmediale.de In this cinema and gender studies talk, Honig takes up elements from three movies (A.R.Holmer, C.Chaplin, L.v.Trier) to show how the body reacts with movements to being fixated by norms and violent gazes. Especially the female body. She sketches a historical arc from the Greek “Bakchantes” to contemporary incarnations of the same…

transmediale Marshall McLuhan Lecture: Jason Edward Lewis “Expansive, Embracing, Evolving: Looking Beyond Impoverished Intelligences”

Berlin, January 29, 2021, http://transmediale.de Lewis talked about computer game workshops he conducted with indigenous Hawaiians. He talked about the importance of creating one´s own questions and narratives, instead of accepting the generous help of caretakers, who unfortunately also impose their own worldviews in the caretaking process. He pleaded for a digital emancipation of indigenous…

Mél Hogan, Joshua Neves: transmediale Marshall McLuhan Lecture 2020 “Expanded Networks“

Berlin, Embassy of Canada, 19:00, January 29, 2020 The Marschall McLuhan lecture is a one of the traditional events opening the lecture program of transmediale. Mél Hogan is an assistant professor in Communication, Media and Film at the University of Calgary. Her research is on server farms and data centers – their social implications and…