Daegu, February 21 – May 28, 2023, http://daeguartmuseum.or.kr The immensely wealthy Samsung CEO Lee Kun-hee was kept alive on hospital machines for five years so that his heirs can prepare for the inheritance of the huge business empire that is said to contribute up to 20 % to South Koreas GDP. When the family business…
Category: _Writing about
_Writing about, Asia, Lecture/Performance/Event, Seoul, South Korea
Dotolim concert series 158: KIM9 X HERA / Mingyu Jang + Jin Sangtae
by EC •
Seoul, February 17, 2023, https://www.dotolim.com Time passes but Dotolim stays. The miniature experimental music venue changes locations, yet keeps on going. 2013 it was located in a shared office building. 2015 it was in a regular apartment. Now in 2023, its new place is a single basement room, still in the same area around Hapjeong…
_Writing about, Berlin, Europe, Germany, Lecture/Performance/Event
transmediale 2023, a model a map a fiction: day 1
by EC •
Berlin, Feb 02, 2023, https://2023.transmediale.de Transmediale is back in its “normal” on-site format after a two year hiatus. Yay! I decided for a combined on-line and on-site attendance while trying to make a couple of very inconsistent notes in a paper notepad as the event goes a long. 10:30 Opening remarks Mora O Murchu welcomes…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
National Gallery Prague: „Jindrich Chalupecky Award 2022: All that is solid melds in the air“
by EC •
Prague, September 23, 2022 – January 9, 2023, https://www.ngprague.cz The Jindrich Chalupecky Award is the most established Czech art prize for emerging artists (up to 35 y.o.). It exists since 1990. In recent years, the mode of operation has changed. In the past, a winner was chosen among five finalists. In the last three years…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Kunsthalle Praha: „Invisible Forces“ + Gregor Hildebrandt „A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us“
by EC •
Prague, Sep 29, 2022 – Feb 13, 2023, https://www.kunsthallepraha.org Kunsthalle Praha is a new institution in the city. It is private and was founded by Petr Pudil and his wife Pavlina. Pudil is one of the Czech businesspeople, who succeeded amassing a fortune during the rather murky and lawless times of the 1990s political and…
_Writing about, Asia, Exhibitions, Incheon, South Korea
Incheon Art Platform: Jung Jihyun 정지현 „가우지(GOUGE)“
by EC •
Incheon, July 15 – September 11, 2022, https://inartplatform.kr A solo exhibition of an artist who I encountered nor long ago within the „Kak“ group show at Hite Collection. Different materials, different sculpting methods… somehow it all related to the city environment and the materials used in constructing or designing the city space. However the shapes…
_Writing about, Asia, Exhibitions, Seoul, South Korea
Hite Collection „Kak“
by EC •
Seoul, May 28 – July 17, 2022, https://hitecollection.com “Kak” is a survey exhibition about sculpture today in Korea. Exhibited artworks span a period of about 25 years. In all cases, the positions are forward-looking positions of artists who were thinking about what the next step could be or how to reinterpret sculptural traditions with new…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Pragovka „Dira ve stazi / Blasts Cries Laughter“
by EC •
Prague, Jan 20th – Apr 19th, 2022 With Pragovka, Prague has a small but nice industrial factory art zone similar to the likes of M50 in Shanghai or 798 in Beijing. The scale is large for Prague but of course little compared to the Chinese megacities. The concept is similar: A large high-end property development…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
DOX: “Great Expectations” + Patrik Habl & Anna Beata Hablova “Such Other Presence” + Jaroslav Rona “Architectons and Machines”
by EC •
Prague, 10 Nov 2021 – 24 Apr 2022 (Great Expectations), 27 Jan – 1 May 2022 (Hablovi), 17 Feb – 12 Jun 2022 (Rona), https://www.dox.cz On my prior visit to DOX, I enjoyed the “Russia, Timeless” exhibition. What a paradox, that my follow up visit took place right on the day when the horrible Russian…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
Pop-up Galerie AVU: “Jiny svet je mozny”
by EC •
Prague, Krizkovskeho 1288/10, June 22 – July 3, 2021, https://www.avu.cz/category/avu-menu/galerie-avu Galerie AVU is the gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. The exhibition space was located in the main building of the schoool, but recently it moved out into a “pop-up” space in Prague Zizkov. The exhibition was a cynical commentary on the…