East Contemporary

Category: Exhibitions

Meet Factory: Lenka Glisnikova “Moment of Seclusion Over the Horizon”

Prague, December 1, 2023 – January 28, 2024, http://www.meetfactory.cz The installation in one large spacious room contained mysterious objects that looked like a real-life materialization of computer 3D simulations of liquid flows and biological forms. Partially hanging on thick metal ropes from the ceiling, partially placed on the floor. The objects were made of two…

basis Frankfurt “Structural stowaway”

basis, Frankfurt am Main, September 14 to December 10, 2023, https://basis-frankfurt.de A group show that combined a number of China-related artworks by Chinese and China-related artists. Overall it seemed that there was an interest in geopolitical topics. Curated by Antonie Angerer & Anna-Viktoria Eschbach. Artists: Musquiqui Chihying, Elom 20ce, Gregor Kasper, Peng Ke, Xiaoshi Qin,…

Haus der Kunst Munich: WangShui “Window of Tolerance”

Munich, September 8, 2023 – April 28,2024, https://www.hausderkunst.de/ WangShui is an ABC, American born Chinese. Is he from the “East” or the “West”? At least based on the funding of the exhibition by the “Asian Art Circle at the Guggenheim” he still seems to be considered as an Eastern artist. The most impressive thing about…

4+4 days in motion “Everything’s everyone’s” (4+4 dny v pohybu “Vsechno je vsech”)

Prague, May 11 – 21, 2023, https://ctyridny.cz 4+4 days in motion is an annual art festival that takes place at a different location in Prague every year. The location of the art exhibition is usually an unused building prior to a new redevelopment. It seems that the Golf Center Erpet in Prague Smichov was the…

Pop-up Galerie AVU: Anezka Abrtova “Stabbed her with knife”

Prague, April 14 – May 13, 2023, https://avu.cz/oddeleni/galerie-avu The exhibition combines sculptures and drawings. The sculptures consist of hard skeletons made from large wooden branches which are wrapped in layers of soft material like wax, textiles and animal skins. This gives them a slightly uncanny nature of a large piece of meat in a butcher’s…

National Gallery Prague: „Jindrich Chalupecky Award 2022: All that is solid melds in the air“

Prague, September 23, 2022 – January 9, 2023, https://www.ngprague.cz The Jindrich Chalupecky Award is the most established Czech art prize for emerging artists (up to 35 y.o.). It exists since 1990. In recent years, the mode of operation has changed. In the past, a winner was chosen among five finalists. In the last three years…