East Contemporary

Category: Hong Kong

NeC nilsson et chiglien hong kong: Marie Torbensdatter Hermann “A Gentle Blow to the Rock”

(8/30-9/28/2013) http://www.galerienec.com I arrived at this gallery by chance while on my way to some other place. I have passed by previously, but the usual display of ceramic vases and sculptures rarely got my attention. This time my sight was drawn in by the empty space that was lined by one long double-shelf along the…

White Cube Hong Kong: Theaster Gates “My Back. My Wheel and My Will”

(9/13 – 11/2/2013) http://whitecube.com/exhibitions/ I saw Gates’ work at the Documenta 13: A transformation of an abandoned house in Kassel, a refurbishment through collective effort. For Gates, a house is a container for a community. And even though he works with houses and building materials, it is the community which lies in the center of…

Art Basel Hong Kong 2013 Asia Art Archive talks: Wang Guanle + Seher Shah + Byron Kim, Linda Lai + Shooshie Sulaiman + Abbas Kiarostami, Vivan Sundaram solo

L to R: Seher Shah, Wang Guanle, Byron Kim, Joan Kee

As last year during Art Hong Kong, Asia Art Archive organized a series panel talks adding to the fair’s program. Compared to last year, the number of lectures has been reduced I guess this is given the fact that Art ‘Basel’ Hong Kong now introduced their ‘own’ series of talks. I did not have time…