East Contemporary

Author: EC

Mél Hogan, Joshua Neves: transmediale Marshall McLuhan Lecture 2020 “Expanded Networks“

Berlin, Embassy of Canada, 19:00, January 29, 2020 The Marschall McLuhan lecture is a one of the traditional events opening the lecture program of transmediale. Mél Hogan is an assistant professor in Communication, Media and Film at the University of Calgary. Her research is on server farms and data centers – their social implications and…

City Gallery Prague: Lukas Machalicky “Eclecticism Hour”

Prague, Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, May 29 – September 1, 2019, http://www.ghmp.cz A conceptual-minimalist exhibition that featured 3D scans of specific parts of the interior printed out as large framed photographs installed next to the real parts of the interior scanned. Additionally, a room was almost closed off with a high white wall with a little hole…

Venice Biennale 2019, Pavilion of the Republic of North Macedonia: Nada Prjla „Subversion to Red“

Venice, Palazzo Rota Ivancich, May 11 – November 24, 2019, www.2019northmacedonia-labiennale.art I enjoyed “Subversion to Red” a lot. Probably a part of my positive feelings was caused by arriving at the cool palace after wandering through the Venice summer heat. Probably a part of my positive feelings was caused by the off-location in a crumbling…

Biennale Arte, Venice 2019: Moving image works, East Europe, East Asia

Venice, Arsenale and Giardini, May 11 – November 24, 2019, https://www.labiennale.org/en/art/ (videos below text) Venice Biennale… the original mega-show, the art circus. A lot of stuff. This year the show was doubled: The seemingly never-ending long noodle-shaped Arsenale docks exhibition had its double in the large Central Biennale Pavilion located in the gardens (Giardini). The…

The Pavilion of Croatia at the Venice Biennale: Igor Grubic “Traces of Disappearing (In Three Acts)”

Igor Grubic

Venice, Santa Croce 2258, Calle della Regina, http://igorgrubic.org/ Igor Grubic seems to be most of all a documentary photographer and urban explorer: Old factories, temporary shelters built by homeless people, disappearing handicrafts… The printed panels with photo collages in the exhibition looked like storyboards or pages from a book. Indeed a thick catalogue was available…