East Contemporary

Author: EC

Van Abbemuseum: Sissel Marie Tonn “The Intimate Earthquake Archive”

Eindhoven, November 10, 2016 – April 30, 2017, http://vanabbemuseum.nl Sissel Marie Tonn presented a technically complex installation that had the goal of simulating earthquakes experienced by people in the Groningen region of the Netherlands where natural gas extraction takes place. These Earthquakes are a consequence of the extraction processes, i.e. there are man-made. Someone makes…

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Kurzbauergasse: Katrine Bobek & Iben Zorn “A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose”

Vienna, May 11-12, 2017, https://www.akbild.ac.at A small exhibition in the Academy sculpture studios. It was one room with a glass wall. Inside were 3 works: A sticker with a text/visual poem pasted on the glass (Zorn), a disassembled glove (Zorn) and a medium-sized painting (Bobek). At first it felt quite empty and like… “That’s it,…

Baltan Laboratories: Economia Festival

Eindhoven, April 28 – 30, 2017, http://thinkeconomia.com An interesting festival that was. I have noticed that there has been an exhibition on the topic on art addressing economic topics at Onomatopee art space (also in Eindhoven) last year, and I wondered, it there has been any cross-inspiration between this two organizations… The Economia festival dealt…

Secession: Jean-Luc Moulene “The Secession Knot 5.1” + Rosa Barba “Spacelength Thought” + Anoka Faruqeee “The Visible Spectrum”

Vienna, April 4 – June 18 (Moulene) – June 25 (Barba + Faruqee), https://www.secession.at/ It has been five years since my last visit to the Secession. I had some memories and some preconceptions about this space. The art there was not easy. It was very conceptual. And the curators/director seemed to have a liking for…

DSC Gallery: Vaclav Cigler & Michal Motycka “Dialogue”

Prague, March 16 – April 20, 2017, http://www.dscgallery.com The large scale interior architecture-like installations from glass and stainless steel appeared to me most of all as a celebration of the capitalist-realism architecture of office towers and business districts. The scale was monumental, larger-than-human. The surfaces were smooth, reflective. Some transparent and some opaque, all set…