Seoul, September 1 – 16, 2015,
A small independent art space, located in an old market building in the Jogno (3ga) area of Seoul. During my visit there has been a show on display where I managed to translate the title using google, but I was not able to identify the artist’s name from the Korean-only invitation.
According to the curator’s verbal description, the artist made an open call for people and musicians and then paired this people and recorded their dialogues held both verbally as well as in musical form (i.e. a solo musical performance for a one-person audience). A video documentation was running on an ipad, a transcript was lying on the table, and set of photographs framed in couples was hung on the wall.
I could understand that the work was about interpersonal communication and building relationships, but the individual stories and nuances of this work remained beyond the language barrier for me.