East Contemporary

Hyundai Motorstudio: „Where is my friends home?”

Busan, December 8, 2023 – June 16, 2024, https://motorstudio.hyundai.com/busan

Jimin Park curated show. A furtniture designer and curator.

It was quite educational/illustrative. Artworks that show/explain something. Somehow more like a experiential sociological/marketing study about smart home target groups. Even though the intent behind individual artworks might have been different, maybe even opposite, the overall assembly and exhibition architecture did not help. The overpopulation of the exhibition space with robotically behaving human “exhibition guides” was also more disturbing than helping.

Overall, for me this was an example of “good intentions” passive violence exercised by an entity with power over its subjects/users: The institution over the visitor via exhibition guides. The curator over artist via selection and arrangement. And at least in once case, also the artist over the subject of its art: The interviews with naturalized immigrants who (in Korean) explained how helpful Koreans are and how great it is to live in Korea reminded me of hostage videos.

Creative Wall displays artworks produced by Universal Everything on the ground floor of the museum:

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