(12/19/2013 – 1/12/2014)
Ke sklárně 3213/15, Prague 5, http://www.meetfactory.cz
Kostka Gallery is an exhibition space within the Meetfactory building complex, closely linked to the studio and residency program they are running. Adrien Giros was one of the artists-in-residence at Meetfactory. The show presented one large scale installation, overall quite theatrical in its effect: A strong subwoofer filled the space with a deep resonating sound, something that could both be heard and felt throughout the body. In the center of the room, for black wigs have been placed on thin metal supports, animated by electric fans, “guarding” a strand of “Mozart’s hair” displayed on a pedestal in the middle. With the help of expressive spot-lights a ghostly effect was achieved. Based on the handout text, the inspiration came from Mozart’s premiere of Don Giovanni in Prague, combined with the strand of Mozart’s hair on display at the Prague Mozart museum. It was a loose inspiration, stressing what I assume is the author’s bias for a certain kind of black/death/metal aesthetic, both in visuals and sound. I enjoyed the show in the physical (the vibrating sound) as well as visual sense (the strict symmetrical arrangement), however the ‘mystical’ air of the piece posed the danger of becoming a parody of itself, as often happens in death metal, and then one must ask on which side (mystery vs. parody) the artist stands. One fact I liked about the opening was that Adrien Giros invited George Cremasci, a well-known experimental bass player stationed in Prague, to play live during the opening, exposing the source of the sound used during the installation (a record of George Cremasci playing the bass). I also saw this as an important link to the idea of Mozart and music – using a live music performance which became part of the piece itself was a great idea.